Email Campaigns

Marketing ▪ Layout ▪ Copywriting ▪ Web

Project Email marketing campaigns with website banner graphics.
Goals Create email newsletters to send 1-2x/week. Emails should be eye-catching and encourage sales. Use only existing photo assets due to temporary pandemic layoffs.
Tools InDesign, Photoshop, Wordpress

New Product Lines

I created layouts for email blasts introducing new Soul Flower product lines. I then applied the look & feel to web banners for desktop and mobile, for consistency across channels.

Because of short staffing, I utilized existing photography and made product mockups when needed.

hippie home poster marketing Email and web banners introducing new art prints

magnets marketing Email and web banners introducing new magnets

Blog Content

To launch new Soul Flower notebooks, I wrote a blog post compiling 64 creative writing prompts. I featured a link to this content in the email as inspiration for ways to use the notebooks.

creative journaling prompts

notebooks marketing Email and web banners introducing new notebooks

Coloring Books

Riding the wave of early pandemic stay-at-home activities, I created two Soul Flower-themed coloring books. I drew each page by hand, featuring favorite Soul Flower designs and illustrated versions of model photos. I created the digital coloring book files, took photos to use on the web shop, wrote product descriptions, and designed all marketing materials.

model coloring book Coloring pages drawn from Soul Flower model photos

coloring book marketing Marketing graphics made to introduce coloring books

coloring page blog post Blog post I wrote that features a freebie coloring page

Sale Marketing

For our Valentine’s Day sale, I created a simple graphic formula using a curated selection of existing model photography. I then applied the visual style across email graphics and web banners.

valentine's day marketing Marketing graphics for Valentine's Day sale